Latest news
(25.02) Van-Hoa Cao's recent paper has been published in a prestigious international journal (Engineering Failure Analysis, ranked in the top 9.2% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 90.8%).
(25.02) Novia Chairun Nisa, who was nominated for the K-GKS scholarship at KIT, has recently joined our lab as a Master's student.
(25.02) Prof. Gyu-Hyun Go's paper has recently been published in a prestigious international journal in the field of heat and mass transfer (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, ranked in the top 4.4% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 95.6%).
(24.12.12) Congratulations to Joo Min-Ji and Yoo Su-In for winning the Encouragement Award at the '2024 Underground Safety Short-form Content Contest (2024 지하안전 숏폼 콘텐츠 공모전)' organized by the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (국토안전관리원)
(24.12.09) Congratulations to Go Gi-Eun for winning the Encouragement Award at the 13th Road Landscape Design Competition(제 13회 도로경관디자인 대전) hosted by Korea Expressway (한국도로공사)
(24.12) Hoa's paper has recently been published in Natural Hazards. Congratulations!
(24.03) Prof. Go won the Young Geotechnical Engineer Paper Award in 2024 from the Korean Geotechnical Society.
(24.03) Prof. Gyu-Hyun Go's paper has recently been published in a prestigious international journal in the field of heat and mass transfer (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, ranked in the top 4.4% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 95.6%).
(24.02) Gi-Eun Ko has joined our lab as undergraduate research student.
(23.09) Dr. Viet has joined our lab as Post doctor researcher
(23.08) Sayali Pangavhane has been nominated to GKS scholarship at KIT and joined our lab as Master's student
(23.03) Won Yoel has joined our lab as master student.
(23.03) Min-Seo has joined our lab as Master's student
(23.03) Hyeon-Jae has joined our lab as an integrated master's and doctoral program student.
(23.03) Ji-Sung has completed the Master's program and graduated
(22.11) Su-In joined our lab as undergraduate research student.
(22.08) Cao Van Hoa has been nominated to GKS scholarship at KIT and joined our lab as PhD student
(22.07) Min-Ji joined our lab as undergraduate research student.
(22.03) Hyeon-Jae and Hee-Won have joined our lab as Master's student.